Google Blacklist Checker

This package maintains a local copy of the google malware blacklist and provides a tool to query it checking for matches. It implements the same protocol that's used in web browsers to check for sites that are providing malware.


Initial release: googlebl.tgz


This package consists of two perl scripts.

The first, blfetch, will fetch google blacklist data and store it locally in a SQLite database. By default it will fetch the two lists googpub-phish-shavar and goog-malware-shavar, but this can be modified by adding or removing entries from the gbl_lists table.

blfetch will not retrieve a complete copy of the blacklist data on the first attempt, rather it will retrieve it in several batches over the course of several hours. It should usually be run as "blfetch --daemon", in which mode it will run continuously and keep the local copy of blacklist data up to date.

blfetch will output the number of chunks it currently has local copies of after each fetch. Once this value has stabilised then the local copy of the blacklists is reasonably up to date.

The second, blquery, will check a URL, or a list of URLs, against the local copy of the blacklists, and display one or more lines of output for each URL - either "OK <url>" if the URL was not found on any list or "HIT <list> <chunk> <url> <match>" for each list the URL is found in. In the response <chunk> is the section of the list that the URL was found in and <match> is the URL path that's actually blacklisted - which will often differ from the URL checked, as the blacklists list wildcarded URLs.

The checking is not done entirely against the locally cached lists - rather, the local lists are used to identify likely blacklist hits, then blquery calls out to the Google API service to confirm the hit.

Some example data is included, which can be used (once blfetch has built a local cache of the blacklists) via "./blcheck --file=testurls.txt"

Each script has built-in documentation, accessed via --help or --man.

The Google API to retrieve and query this data is only lightly documented and there's very little test data available, so the amount of testing done has been pretty minimal.


The following non-standard perl modules need to be available:

On Ubuntu these can be installed with

  aptitude install libconfig-simple-perl libdigest-sha1-perl \
           libdbi-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl liburi-perl libwww-perl \
           libsys-syslog-perl libproc-pid-file-perl libproc-daemon-perl